Midori tulee osallistumaan myös teekutsuille, Atelier Pierrotin Yukon kanssa. Conissa on Q&A ja teekutsuilla meet and greet, jossa pääsee ottamaan yhteiskuvan ja pyytämään nimmaria. :D
Hanki hellocon- ja teekutsulippusi täältä: http://hellocon.blogspot.fi/
Hellocon (1-2.2.2014) is happy to announce one more special guest! Our additional guest of honor is Midori Fukasawa, who is well known for modelling for Baby, the stars shine bright and Kera-magazines. Together with Yuko from Atelier Pierrot, she will also join the tea party. At the main event we will have an Q&A with both of the guests, and a meet and greet at the tea party.
Get your convention and tea party tickets here: http://hellocon.blogspot.fi/
I'm super excited! One of my lolita idols is coming to our little country and our event that we've been working so hard on... can't wait!
Oi, vähänkö ihanaa n_n
VastaaPoistaItse en olisi nimeä tunnistanut muuten, kuin että kyseisen mallin ja Baby the stars shine brightin kanssa yhteistyössä tehtiin pullip, ainakin jos nyt oikein muistan että tästä mallista oli kyse sarjan toisen nuken kohdalla :3
Ooooh how nice! I love Midori, she is such a sweetheart!
VastaaPoistaAlso, I love your new blog layout! ^^
empzi: Joo! :3 Babyn kahdesta mallista on ne pullip-nuket, toinen on Misako Aokista.
VastaaPoistaRosalynn: I actually stumbled on your post about Midori and Pricess Crepe (which I've forgot to visit when I've been in Paris ;_;), when I searched for pics of Midori, and the seemed so lovely! ;_;
Thank you! :3
I already read it on the Facebook page :D
VastaaPoistaI am even more excited than before because I travel to finland for the first time, I meet a lot of lovely lolitas I know through their blogs ( you included if I see you there :D) and Midori Fukasawa is also there <3
Punkangel: Happy to hear you're excited! :3 Feel free to come and say hi to me! I'm pretty busy with organizing and stuff, but I hope I will have some time to chit chat and shop.